Tuesday 2 September 2014

Importing CFDs in Datastage

To import a CFD:

1. Open the Import Meta Data (CFD) dialog box in either of these ways:
> Choose Import > Table Definitions > COBOL File Definitions from the main menu.
> Right-click the Table Definitions folder in the repository tree and select Import Table Definition > COBOL File Definitions from the shortcut menu.

2. In the COBOL file description pathname field, type or browse for the path name where the CFD file is located. The CFD file must either reside on the InfoSphere™ DataStage® client workstation or on a network that is visible from the client workstation. The default capture file extension is *.cfd.

3. In the Start position field, specify the starting column where the table description begins (the 01 level). The default start position is 8. You can change the start position to any value from 2 to 80. InfoSphere DataStage allows 64 positions from the start position. For example, if the start position is 2, the last valid column position is 65.

4. In the Column comment association field, specify how to associate comment lines with columns in the CFD file. The default is to associate a comment line with the column that follows it.

5. Select the items to import in the Tables list. This list appears after you specify the CFD path name. Click Refresh to refresh the list if necessary. Select a single table by clicking the table name, or select multiple tables by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the table names. To select all tables, click Select all.

To see a summary description of a table, select the table name and click Details. The Details of dialog box opens, displaying the table name, description, and column names.

6. In the To folder field, specify the name of the repository folder where you want to save the CFD. The default is Table Definitions\COBOL FD\filename. You can change the folder by typing a different name or browsing for one.

7. Click Import. The data from the CFD file is extracted and parsed. If any syntactical or semantic errors are found, the Import Error dialog box opens, allowing you to view and fix the errors, skip the import of the incorrect item, or stop the import process altogether.

Parent Topic: COBOL File Definitions

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