Wednesday 3 October 2012

DataStage 8.1 to DataStage 8.5

1. DataStage Designer performance improvement By changing the Metadata algorythm, copy/delete/save jobs got faster about 30-40%.

2. Parallel Engine Performance and Resource improvements Resource usage is about 5% smaller than 8.1, for T-Sort, Windows desktop heap size has been decreased 94%. 

3. Transformer enhancements Key break support
LastRowInGroup() function is added. This will return true for the last record of the group.
LastRow() will return the last record of input.
Output looping :: Allows multiple output records to be created per single input record.
Input looping    :: Allows aggregation of input records so that aggregated data can be included with the original input data. ( like adding average column to the original input is now possible. ( 2 pass.... calculation. )
New Null handling This is pretty complicate and need more verification by myself to explain clearly. But this is the description I got.
Null values can now be included in any expression.
        -> Null values no longer need to be explicitly handled.
            A null value in an expression will return a null value result. As long as the target column is nullable, records will not be dropped. Stage variables are now always nullable.
APT_TRANSFORM_COMPILE_OLD_NULL_HANDLING is prepared to support backward compatibility.
New Transformer Functions
Create/offset a time, date or timestamp from component arguments
DateFromComponents(int32 years, int32 months, int32 dayofmonth)
DateOffsetByComponents(date basedate, int32 yearoffset, int32 monthoffset, int32 dayoffset) DateOffsetByDays(date basedate, int32 offset)
TimeFromComponents(int32 hours, int32 minutes, int32 seconds, int32 microseconds) TimeOffsetByComponents(time basetime, int32 houroffset, int32 minuteoffset, dfloat secondoffset) TimeOffsetBySeconds(time basetime, dfloat secondoffset)
TimestampOffsetByComponents(timestamp basetimestamp, int32 yearoffset, int32 monthoffset, int32 dayoffset, int32 houroffset, int32 minuteoffset, dfloat secondoffset)
TimestampOffsetBySeconds(timestamp basetimestamp, dfloat secondoffset)

Various packed decimal conversions
DecimalToDate(decimal basedecimal [,string format] )
DecimalToTime(decimal basedecimal [,string format] )
DecimalToTimestamp(decimal basedecimal [,string format] )
DateToDecimal(date basedate [,string format] )
TimeToDecimal(time basetime [,string format] )
TimestampToDecimal(timestamp basetimestamp [,string format] )

4. DataStage Function enhancements New Client \ Domain Compatibility Check Before/after routines now mask encrypted params Copy project permissions from existing project when creating new project Environment variable enhancements: creation during import Add PX Stage Reset Support Enhancement to Parallel Data Set Stage Multiple Null Field Values on Import Enhancements to improve Multi-Client Manager support

5. DataStage Serviceability enhancements New Audit Tracing Enhanced Exception Dialog ISA Lite Enhancements for DataStage Enhanced Project Creation Failure Details

6. ParallelPivot - Adding Vertical Pivoting

7. CVS (Code Version Control Integration) Information Server Manager was created on Eclipse from 8.1 Now the CVS or Subversion plugins to Eclipse are available for DataStage components.

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